Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I quickly learned why little goats are called "kids".  I wonder when "kids" officially become "goats".  We've had these goats for four years and they still haven't outgrown the "kid" stage.  I am assuming they never will either.

I am amazed by how much trouble these goats can find and get themselves into on a daily basis.  I am even more amazed as to how (human) kid like they really can be.  Especially when caught in action and the "Oh gosh, did I do that?  I didn't mean to.  I am so sorry." reactions they use trying to maintain their innocence.  Innocence?!?  I laugh!

Funny goat story to share:

Yesterday early evening we were all playing outside.  I did see the goat laying on the sidewalk by the basement window.  Later I didn't see the goat, but could hear it "whining and neighing".  I couldn't figure out why, but didn't really think much of it.  I came into the house to get something and could hear the goat even making more of a fuss.  I decided maybe I should go and see what all the fuss was about.  I looked and looked, but couldn't see the goat anywhere.  I could hear it.....I just couldn't see it.  I was so puzzled.  The closer to the house I got the louder the noise was.  Following the the sound I came into the house through the side door instead of the front door we usually use.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw the goat, in the basement, standing on top of our freezer, waiting for someone to come and help.  For the life of me I couldn't figure out why the goat was on the freezer.  More importantly I couldn't figure out how it even got there.  As I helped the goat down I looked up and saw.  While the goat was laying on the sidewalk by the window it must have leaned a little too far back and fell right in!  Goat and freezer are fine.  We just need a new window!   

Only at the Krell house!   

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