Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas morning everyone is usually up bright and early.  Not this Christmas morning!  Some slept until 9:30 a.m.!  I am quite the kid at heart so patiently waiting until everyone was awake was not something I was very good at!

Santa came!

Ready to rip!

What's in the box Hannah?


Funny how Santa always knows just what you need.

Who isn't all smiles on Christmas morning?  Especially when you unwrap something you asked Santa for.

The next set of pictures make me laugh.  Each of the kids taking turns and having fun playing a new wii game Jack-jack got.  No fighting.  No arguing.  Sharing nicely and just having a good time.

Then along comes the biggest kid of them all wants a turn.  Not only does he take his turn, but he ends up overtaking the wii leaving the kids watching him play.  The expressions on their faces are priceless!  

Gee Dad, this sure is fun!

A very very Merry Christmas it is!!!

Not Just Cookies And Milk At This Place!

Every Christmas Eve Jack-jack is sure to set out cookies and milk for Santa.  This year it was thought that maybe Santa would like something different when he stopped at our house.  Jack-jack thought maybe a choice for the big guy in the red suit would be nice.  Before we even realized what Jack-jack was doing, a glass with ice, whiskey, and squirt was poured.  Jack-jack set it right next to the plate of cookies and glass of milk  He even had a little note for Santa telling him to choose--either the mix drink or milk.  There was also a note on the chair labeled "thinking spot".

The plate of cookies, the whiskey sour, and glass of milk along with the notes and arrows that read "You Choose".
The chair labeled as "thinking spot" for Santa to sit while he decides as to which drink he should have.  But that even a decision to ponder???
As we tracked Santa on the radar we got things set out just in the Nick of time.  We were able to get in bed before we heard any noises on the roof.  Wheeeew!

In the morning we were left with one of the glasses empty on the table and a note that read "Thank You!".  As for which glass Santa decided to you can see, the glass of milk is still full!  

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve 2013

Christmas Eve.  We spend the day chillin' out at home.  After evening chores we make our way over to Mom and Dad's for our little family celebration.

Hannah (15 years old), Jack-jack (10 years old), and Cheyenne (12 years old).
Everybody home means family picture.

A little bit of shaving cream, and a little bit of a lap, and we have ourselves a Santa!

The whole family Christmas Eve by Mom and Dad's.

Striking a pose with Auntie Sara.

Adam & Crystal.

Grandma & Grandpa and the kiddos.

Taking it all in.

Say cheese!

The aftermath.  Looks as though a tornado went through.

A special time to once again remind us how much we have to be thankful for.  Family and Friends being at the very top! 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Tree 2013

Last year we celebrated Christmas with only a little twig.  This year we upgraded and got ourselves a tree (Cheyenne and Jack picked it out).  When we brought the tree in the house, not only did we bring the tree in, but we also brought in a bird.  We were able to get it out fairly easily, but it definitely did cause a commotion and made for some good laughs.  Disclaimer:  the animal was not hurt in any way.

This year our tree has all of the ornaments we collected and the kids have made throughout the years.  It also has Jack-jack's train that runs around the the bottom which has become a little tradition of ours.  And of course, what is a train running around the Christmas tree without little cowboy and Indian and army men figurines?  Yeup!  That's how Christmas rolls around here!

The boys getting the train set up.

Putting little army men, cowboys, and Indians around the tree.

-The Krell's Christmas tree 2013-

Today we celebrate the eve of Christmas Eve.  Counting down those days with much excitement and anticipation!  

Christmas Card Pictures 2013.

This year I got Christmas cards out a little later than usual.  They still went out before Christmas so I was very happy.  I don't get the name Last Minute Lori for nothing!  But we had fun on our little photo shoot and was happy how they turned out.

Cheyenne striking her pose.
Little Jack and his smile.
And our Hannah.
I wish the halo and wings would've shown up better on the cards, but I sure do like this picture.  Totally has personality.  Maybe I should say personalities!  Three very different personalities, but love each and every single one of them (on most days!).

I also included a family picture this year.  We don't have many of those, so when I get the chance I take one.  It goes pretty quick now that we got the timer figured out!

Christmas At The Schools.

The month of December seem to just fly by.

We've been keeping busy with after school activities and of course having fun with the schools' festivities.

Jack-jack's Christmas program was during school on Thursday.  They sang, did a little dancing, and kept the crowd entertained for about and hour.  All of the little kiddos looked so cute singing their little hearts out.

Jack-jack in top row.  There is a silver thing hanging on the wall.  He is just to the left of that.

Here is hammin' it up for the camera.

Cheyenne's school wrapped up the evening with a band, orchestra, and choir concert.  Definitely got us in the Christmas spirit!

Cheyenne singing with her 7th grade choir.  She is in the middle row on the way right hand side.  She has a black little cardigan, white shirt, and gray pants.

Here she is playing her violin.  She is in the back row, second one over.  Not a very clear picture, but did get one (a picture).

On Friday Cheyenne's school had ugly sweater day.  We found a fun one to wear.  She even grew antlers for the occasion!
And so we enjoy our first day of our winter break from school.  The kids love being able to sleep in.  We also have lots of snow on the ground for the kids to play in.  We do have a few more cookies to bake and then let the partying begin!