Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas At The Schools.

The month of December seem to just fly by.

We've been keeping busy with after school activities and of course having fun with the schools' festivities.

Jack-jack's Christmas program was during school on Thursday.  They sang, did a little dancing, and kept the crowd entertained for about and hour.  All of the little kiddos looked so cute singing their little hearts out.

Jack-jack in top row.  There is a silver thing hanging on the wall.  He is just to the left of that.

Here is hammin' it up for the camera.

Cheyenne's school wrapped up the evening with a band, orchestra, and choir concert.  Definitely got us in the Christmas spirit!

Cheyenne singing with her 7th grade choir.  She is in the middle row on the way right hand side.  She has a black little cardigan, white shirt, and gray pants.

Here she is playing her violin.  She is in the back row, second one over.  Not a very clear picture, but did get one (a picture).

On Friday Cheyenne's school had ugly sweater day.  We found a fun one to wear.  She even grew antlers for the occasion!
And so we enjoy our first day of our winter break from school.  The kids love being able to sleep in.  We also have lots of snow on the ground for the kids to play in.  We do have a few more cookies to bake and then let the partying begin!

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