Thursday, December 26, 2013

Not Just Cookies And Milk At This Place!

Every Christmas Eve Jack-jack is sure to set out cookies and milk for Santa.  This year it was thought that maybe Santa would like something different when he stopped at our house.  Jack-jack thought maybe a choice for the big guy in the red suit would be nice.  Before we even realized what Jack-jack was doing, a glass with ice, whiskey, and squirt was poured.  Jack-jack set it right next to the plate of cookies and glass of milk  He even had a little note for Santa telling him to choose--either the mix drink or milk.  There was also a note on the chair labeled "thinking spot".

The plate of cookies, the whiskey sour, and glass of milk along with the notes and arrows that read "You Choose".
The chair labeled as "thinking spot" for Santa to sit while he decides as to which drink he should have.  But that even a decision to ponder???
As we tracked Santa on the radar we got things set out just in the Nick of time.  We were able to get in bed before we heard any noises on the roof.  Wheeeew!

In the morning we were left with one of the glasses empty on the table and a note that read "Thank You!".  As for which glass Santa decided to you can see, the glass of milk is still full!  

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