Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Card Pictures 2013.

This year I got Christmas cards out a little later than usual.  They still went out before Christmas so I was very happy.  I don't get the name Last Minute Lori for nothing!  But we had fun on our little photo shoot and was happy how they turned out.

Cheyenne striking her pose.
Little Jack and his smile.
And our Hannah.
I wish the halo and wings would've shown up better on the cards, but I sure do like this picture.  Totally has personality.  Maybe I should say personalities!  Three very different personalities, but love each and every single one of them (on most days!).

I also included a family picture this year.  We don't have many of those, so when I get the chance I take one.  It goes pretty quick now that we got the timer figured out!

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