Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

 Today Jack and I have been married for 13 years (and counting!).

 To celebrate we will have dinner at Ala Krell Kitchen (home).
For dessert......."Death By Chocolate".

And here is one of my favorite wedding pictures to share.
Sorry about the picture quality--its a picture of a picture, but still fun!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sun And Snow

What a weekend!

The weather was absolutely perfect!  The wind is still and the temperature very mild.  With the sun shining as it is, I guess you could say it is even "warm".

We got a bunch of fresh snow on Thursday which was great for Chey and Jack's half day of school sledding party on Friday.  There were lots of kids on that hill enjoying sledding with their friends and fellow classmates.  They had tons of fun!

Saturday Hannah had a basketball game in West Bend and marked the girls first win of the season.  Final score; 12 to 10.  It was not a very high scoring game, but was one of the most fun to watch.  

Saturday was Cheyenne's last day of her basketball camp.  She is disappointed that it doesn't run longer, but is anxious to move on to whatever comes next.

Sunday...a day of rest, but with an absolutely beautiful gorgeous day as it is we won't be resting for too long.  There is no time to be in the house today!  Not on a day like this!

The kids went icicle hunting and found the biggest icicle ever! 

Sledding down a little snow hill we have on the lawn.

Ready to go into town for some "real" sledding.  I get a kick out of living in a house on 10 acres and there isn't a single hill for sledding.  Instead, we have to pack up our sleds and venture into town to go on the hill by school.  Too funny!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How 'Bout Dem Packers!?!

The game we have all been waiting for.  The results......what we all wanted (hoped) to see.  The Packers are off to the Super Bowl with a final score of 21 to 14 over the Bears!  Yeaaaaahhhhhhh!!!

We had our own little Packer party here at home.

Something "Cheesy"
We don't have any cheese heads to wear, but thought we could be complete Wisconsinites by making something cheesy to eat.  How about some deep fried cheese curds?

Deep Fried Cheese Curds
1         cup all purpose flour (plus a little more to coat curds to absorb "sweat")
1 1/2   teaspoons baking powder
1/2      teaspoon salt
2         eggs beaten
1/2      cup of beer (could use milk)
1          pound cheese curds

Be sure cheese curds are fresh and are at room temperature

Shake them around in a little bit of flour.  The flour absorbs excess moisture from the curds.

In a medium bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt.  Stir in the eggs and beer.  Add more beer for a thinner batter.

In a large, heavy skillet over medium heat, heat the oil thoroughly.

Coat the cheese curds with the batter.  Excess batter should be drained using a wire mesh strainer (I just let them drip from the fork I was using to fish the curds from the batter).  Fry the coated cheese curds for approximately 1 minute each--until golden brown.  Drain on paper towel.

Let cool for a little bit (they are extremely hot!). 


*Helpful little hint; be sure to only do a few curds at a time to ensure best (yummy) results and avoid a major mess.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Jack!!!

Today Jack is 35 years old.  Temperature on the thermometer was close to zero all day (9 degrees below this morning when we got up) with wind chills way below.  Needless to say, we didn't party outside.  Instead we did some baking.

When the kids got home from school they decorated a cake with sprinkles.

They put the candles on.

Of course tested the frosting, but shhhhhhh........don't tell!


After basketball practice and dinner we had time to do a little singing before Hannah had to leave for her dance.


Make a wish!

It was a bit of a rushed night.  Tomorrow it is lots of basketball for the girls during the day and then a party at M.J. Stevens at night.  Sunday is the big Packer game, so we are going to have our own little Packer party here at home.  Jack will grill out his belated birthday dinner request of stuffed pork chops.  I even looked up a recipe for homemade cheese curds we're going to give a try.  We'll have to see how that goes, but sure does sound yummy!

All in all Jack says it was a good day.

Happy Birthday, Jack!
Many, many, many more to come!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Minute To Win It In Chey's Classroom

Last week Cheyenne's class played their own version of Minute To Win It.  She told me this morning to be sure to check out the pictures.  Here is one of her.

"You Can Do It" - Feed a piece (or two) of uncooked spaghetti through the tab of a soda can with your teeth, without using your hands. The partner then puts the other end in their mouth and they transfer the can over to another desk - TWICE!

 I guess the class found out the games weren't as easy as they seemed.  None the  less, Cheyenne said she really had a lot of fun both watching others and trying the tasks herself.

Howdy There Partner

This week at school the first grade has had a themed dress up day for each day of the week.  Today was Western Wednesday.  Jack was pretty excited about going to school in cowboyish attire.  Although, he was disappointed because he couldn't take his pop-gun (no weapons--the teachers must have made that very clear) or wear his spurs.  Ah well, Jack was still totally excited.  It will be lots of fun for the kids.  I can't wait to hear all about it when he gets home.
 Cowboy Jack

Hannah's 2nd Band Concert

Last night we were treated to a live performance by the Central Middle School 6th grade band.  Hannah had her second concert of the school year.  There are over 60 kids (couldn't fit them all in the picture from where we were sitting) in the band playing all sorts of different instruments.  The biggest section is the percussion with about 18 kids.  As for the French Horn (Hannah plays), there are three.  The kids really improved since their first concert!  

Of course I forgot my camera at home and had to use the one on my phone (not a very good picture).  Hannah is the one "glowing" (I can't even make out her face--she is in white almost center of the picture).

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Played Hard, But Still A Loss.

Basketball is in full swing and keeping us plenty busy.

Hannah had a game tonight.  It didn't get off to a very good start and well....ended up not so good either (as you can see on the scoreboard in the picture--and from Hannah getting the ball stolen away from her, also in the picture).  Final score, Richfield over St. Kilian: 32 to 6.  Hannah was proud to at least contribute a basket.

Practice tomorrow night, games on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.  Hopefully things will work a little better in our favor!

Go Cougars!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Another Day


This is absolutely one of my favorite times of the day!!!
I can't wait to see the kids smiling faces as they get off the bus.
I can't wait to hear all about the fun things they did and the new things they've learned.
They are always anxious and excited to share.

Tonight it was a quiet night.
There were no activities going on.

We concentrated on our homework......
(Chey getting a little bit of help with her math from her big sister)

and reading.
(Jack-jack LOVES to read!!!  Tonight it is all about bears.) 

We even got to squeeze in some mindless time in front of the t.v.

Before you know it, it's bedtime......
and tomorrow we begin yet another day!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Keepin' Busy

It was our first full week back to school after winter break.  Everyone was moving quite slow, but all did survive.

The year is off to a busy start.  Basketball practices and games are in full swing for Hannah.  Saturday morning we were up bright and early to play in Port Washington.  The girls played a good game, but Port Washington dominated.  We lost by 18 points.

Cheyenne was excited for her first week of basketball camp held at Friess Lake School on Saturdays for the next 4 weeks.  It is a camp that is offered for 3rd and 4th graders to work on skills and the basics of the game.  It is a great opportunity for them.  Cheyenne said she met a few new people and had lots of fun.

Sunday we had a holiday brunch at my sister's after church and Sunday school.  It was very yummy! Thank you, Sara!  We also played a family game of Apples to Apples.  Always entertaining!  I think celebrating holidays has finally come to an end! 

We wrapped the rest of the weekend playing a little bit of wii (the kids only get that on weekends and well, time was limited this weekend with all of the other things going on), spending a little time chillin', getting school bags and papers in order for Monday, and enjoying a relaxing evening at home.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

To Market To Market

Of course things aren't easy, nor do we expect them to be, but a little cooperation here and there would be nice.

Last night was another adventure loading the pigs to take to market early this morning.  We thought we were ahead of the game--having things lined up up on Sunday and ready for animals to be loaded Monday night, but that would've been waaaaaaaaayyyyy too easy!

After a slow start, some heaving and hoeing, and lots of squealing (not all from the pigs), the animals were finally loaded on the truck. 

There they go!  A picture of Jack leaving for Rio (the organic butcher shop) early this morning with the last five (or the first--depending how you look at it) of the hogs for the year. This is what we use to haul our animals to market.  We call it, "The Pig Rig".  Definitely one of a kind!   

Monday, January 3, 2011

A Loaf of Carrot Bread

We love a good carrot cake, but I sometimes don't have the pineapple or coconut in the house the recipe calls for.  The other day I came across this recipe.  We made it last night and everyone LOVED it!  By the time breakfast was done and lunches were packed all that was left was a tiny little crumb.

 My little helpers.
Say, "Cheese!".....I mean "Carrots!". 

Carrot Bread
Very yummy! 

(makes one loaf)                                                                      
1       teaspoon butter, softened
1       cup unbleached all purpose flour
1/2    cup sugar (we use brown sugar)
3/4    teaspoon baking soda    
1/2    teaspoon baking powder     
1/2    teaspoon cinnamon
1/4    teaspoon ground cloves                              
1/4    teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4    teaspoon allspice
1/4    teaspoon salt
1/3    cup vegetable oil (we use coconut oil)
2       eggs, lightly beaten
2       cups grated carrots
1/4    cup walnuts, finely chopped (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Lightly butter and 8" cast-iron loaf pan (I used glass) and dust with flour. 

In medium bowl, combine flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, allspice, and salt.  Add oil and eggs; stir well.  Add carrots, stirring until well blended.

Pour batter into the prepared pan.  Bake 25 minutes, or until toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.  While the bread is baking, prepare frosting (below).

Remove bread from pan and cool on wire rack.  Frost.  If desired sprinkle finely chopped walnuts on top. 

Cream Cheese Frosting
6        oz. cream cheese, softened 
3        Tablespoons butter, softened
1 1/2  teaspoons vanilla
11/2   cups of powdered sugar

Beat cream cheese, butter, and vanilla with an electric hand mixer on high speed until smooth.  Reduce speed to low and gradually beat in sugar.

*We use organic ingredients (of course) whenever possible.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

word of the day: bluster
meaning:  to blow in stormy noisy gusts, to talk or act with noisy swaggering threats

2011 arrives with a bluster of wind.  It is cold and windy outside with hardly any snow left on the ground.  Definitely a much different sort of day than yesterday (very mild and wet).

We welcome this day being able to enjoy at home.  For it is rare that we don't have somewhere to go or someplace to be.  After all of the constant being on-the-go during the holidays it is very nice to have some time to ourselves and be able to relax.  Come Monday it will be back to work, school, and the ol' usual routine.

We raise our glasses with cheer to celebrate the beginning of the New Year.

We send to family and friends wishes for nothing but the best to each of you this 2011. 

And for that we shall salute! 

A very Happy New Year to you!!!