Monday, January 10, 2011

Keepin' Busy

It was our first full week back to school after winter break.  Everyone was moving quite slow, but all did survive.

The year is off to a busy start.  Basketball practices and games are in full swing for Hannah.  Saturday morning we were up bright and early to play in Port Washington.  The girls played a good game, but Port Washington dominated.  We lost by 18 points.

Cheyenne was excited for her first week of basketball camp held at Friess Lake School on Saturdays for the next 4 weeks.  It is a camp that is offered for 3rd and 4th graders to work on skills and the basics of the game.  It is a great opportunity for them.  Cheyenne said she met a few new people and had lots of fun.

Sunday we had a holiday brunch at my sister's after church and Sunday school.  It was very yummy! Thank you, Sara!  We also played a family game of Apples to Apples.  Always entertaining!  I think celebrating holidays has finally come to an end! 

We wrapped the rest of the weekend playing a little bit of wii (the kids only get that on weekends and well, time was limited this weekend with all of the other things going on), spending a little time chillin', getting school bags and papers in order for Monday, and enjoying a relaxing evening at home.

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