Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

word of the day: bluster
meaning:  to blow in stormy noisy gusts, to talk or act with noisy swaggering threats

2011 arrives with a bluster of wind.  It is cold and windy outside with hardly any snow left on the ground.  Definitely a much different sort of day than yesterday (very mild and wet).

We welcome this day being able to enjoy at home.  For it is rare that we don't have somewhere to go or someplace to be.  After all of the constant being on-the-go during the holidays it is very nice to have some time to ourselves and be able to relax.  Come Monday it will be back to work, school, and the ol' usual routine.

We raise our glasses with cheer to celebrate the beginning of the New Year.

We send to family and friends wishes for nothing but the best to each of you this 2011. 

And for that we shall salute! 

A very Happy New Year to you!!!

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