Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sun And Snow

What a weekend!

The weather was absolutely perfect!  The wind is still and the temperature very mild.  With the sun shining as it is, I guess you could say it is even "warm".

We got a bunch of fresh snow on Thursday which was great for Chey and Jack's half day of school sledding party on Friday.  There were lots of kids on that hill enjoying sledding with their friends and fellow classmates.  They had tons of fun!

Saturday Hannah had a basketball game in West Bend and marked the girls first win of the season.  Final score; 12 to 10.  It was not a very high scoring game, but was one of the most fun to watch.  

Saturday was Cheyenne's last day of her basketball camp.  She is disappointed that it doesn't run longer, but is anxious to move on to whatever comes next.

Sunday...a day of rest, but with an absolutely beautiful gorgeous day as it is we won't be resting for too long.  There is no time to be in the house today!  Not on a day like this!

The kids went icicle hunting and found the biggest icicle ever! 

Sledding down a little snow hill we have on the lawn.

Ready to go into town for some "real" sledding.  I get a kick out of living in a house on 10 acres and there isn't a single hill for sledding.  Instead, we have to pack up our sleds and venture into town to go on the hill by school.  Too funny!

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