Sunday, January 23, 2011

How 'Bout Dem Packers!?!

The game we have all been waiting for.  The results......what we all wanted (hoped) to see.  The Packers are off to the Super Bowl with a final score of 21 to 14 over the Bears!  Yeaaaaahhhhhhh!!!

We had our own little Packer party here at home.

Something "Cheesy"
We don't have any cheese heads to wear, but thought we could be complete Wisconsinites by making something cheesy to eat.  How about some deep fried cheese curds?

Deep Fried Cheese Curds
1         cup all purpose flour (plus a little more to coat curds to absorb "sweat")
1 1/2   teaspoons baking powder
1/2      teaspoon salt
2         eggs beaten
1/2      cup of beer (could use milk)
1          pound cheese curds

Be sure cheese curds are fresh and are at room temperature

Shake them around in a little bit of flour.  The flour absorbs excess moisture from the curds.

In a medium bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, and salt.  Stir in the eggs and beer.  Add more beer for a thinner batter.

In a large, heavy skillet over medium heat, heat the oil thoroughly.

Coat the cheese curds with the batter.  Excess batter should be drained using a wire mesh strainer (I just let them drip from the fork I was using to fish the curds from the batter).  Fry the coated cheese curds for approximately 1 minute each--until golden brown.  Drain on paper towel.

Let cool for a little bit (they are extremely hot!). 


*Helpful little hint; be sure to only do a few curds at a time to ensure best (yummy) results and avoid a major mess.

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