Saturday, April 30, 2011

Project Mailbox

The other week we got a notice that we needed to fix our mailbox.  What can I say, the snowplows aren't exactly delicate around here.  I think we had to pick up our mailbox out of the ditch every other time the plow came through.  After a winter of that sort of abuse, I do admit our mailbox was bad, but no need to get sassy on the mail carriers end!  At least he/she does have a sense of humor.  I thought it was funny anyway.  Some of us....not so much.  

 I totally love how they even drew us a diagram on the bottom of the notice.  He/she must really think we need all the help we can get.
Some people know us all too well!

I thought this was the funniest!
Felt the need to show us which one our box looked like. 
So today Jack gave himself a project.
One final check and our mailbox is as good as new!
Way to go, Jack!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Arbor Day!

Today is National Arbor Day.  Arbor Day is a day created to celebrate and understand the importance of trees.  Arbor Day was first celebrated in Nebraska on April 10, 1874.  By 1882 it became an national event.

I was excited to see and hear that they still learn about Arbor Day in the schools.  Cheyenne came home excited to share all that she had learned from a presentation in school today.  All of the 4th graders got to even take a tree home with them to plant.

We found a perfect spot!

Did you plant a tree today?

Bad Hair Day

So you think you're having a bad hair day???

Cheyenne and Jack-jack on way to school.
Crazy hair day for the two of them.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Science Fair

Today after school was the district's annual science fair.  Cheyenne entered an experiment.

Her experiment involved water, bobbers, weights, and an explanation and demonstration of how air keeps things afloat.

This was Cheyenne's first year entering.  It was a really great learning experience.  She is already coming up with ideas for next year.  Way to go, Chey!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

To family and friends both far and near....

This morning the kids were up early to see if their baskets were gone from the table.  Yes, the hunt was on!

All three did find their baskets with goodies inside.  Even though there wasn't a pony left in the barn or under a tree (Chey was convinced that was what the Easter Bunny was going to bring???), a puppy, or a new bike, they were perfectly happy to find chocolate, bubble gum, and duct tape.  Yeup, I did say duct tape.  Not just the ordinary gray colored tape.  They now make multicolored, patterned, and printed styles.  It's a new fad with the middle schoolers.  They get pretty creative making things from hats, purses, wallets, and just about anything the mind can think of.

Besides today being special because it is Easter, it is also Uncle Bill's birthday!
We are thinking of you and want to wish you a very

Happy Birthday, Bill!

Love you!

Your baby brother Jack,
and Jack-jack 


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Centerpiece Saturday

This year Easter is at my Mom and Dad's house.  I decided we would make the centerpieces.  The kids worked hard at decorating cookies.  We stuck them in a flower pot and made cookie bouquets.

I thought they turned out pretty darn cute.

Night time comes and it's officially Easter Eve.  Everybody excited to set their baskets out for the Easter Bunny to leave some goodies in.  Cheyenne makes sure to leave a few carrots for a snack.  Cheyenne and Jack-jack each wrote the Easter Bunny a note.  Jack-jack's note letting the bunny know he would like a little toy for in his basket. Cheyenne mentions (again) that, "a horse would be great" and that "the carrots are organic".  I don't know where these kids ever got the idea that the Easter Bunny is a second Santa Clause, but I never really heard of toys and horses in an Easter basket???  I mean chocolate was what we always looked for--after we found out baskets of course!  I don't know......we'll just have to wait and see.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday Fun

Jack took a vacation day from work and decided to come with us to Discovery World.  We had a nice day just being out and about.



Favorite parts of the day: 

Hannah's - the virtual solar system experience
Cheynne's - the virtual solar system experience
Jack-jack's - touching the crab and stingrays
Jack's (hubby) - the aquarium
Lori's - having fun and enjoying the days adventure with the fam

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cashing In

The little guy works pretty hard at crushing cans he finds and of those given to him by others.  He uses a can crusher for the majority of the work, but he and his dad do like to get creative.

Crushing the cans using the bucket of the skid loader.


Definitely fun to try once.

Today is the day we loaded up the truck to take the cans to the recycling center.
This little guy is so proud of all of his work.
He has quite the load!


Talk about a smile from ear to ear!

94 pounds of cans = $75.00 + a t-shirt, a bumper sticker, pencils, and bunch of recycling tattoos.
Jack-jack did pay his sisters for the few times they helped him crush cans.
They agreed that a $5 cut each would be fair.
The rest is his.
Very excited to have (that much!!!) money of his own to put in his wallet.

"Thank you to everyone who helped me!"

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Another Day Inside

Today was another day we spent inside.  The kids were all excited because I let them play wii (which usually is only a weekend thing in this house).

Tonight they are looking forward to their sleep over by Pam and Al's. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Break.........Really?!?

With snow on the ground, it tends to look more like our Winter Break we had back in December.

Needless to say, our day was spent indoors.

We baked the first batch of our cut outs to put in the freezer until we decorate them on Saturday.  We have quite the project planned!  Can't tell you what it is just yet because it's a surprise!

And since the oven was warm we also made some yummy chocolate chip cookies, too.

My helpers. 

Some of them aren't happy unless they get messy.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Coloring Eggs

Today is the kids' first official day of Spring Break.  Activity of choice for the day; coloring eggs.  Always a big hit.

The finished product.
The kids were disappointed because the colors never turn out as bright as they do when you use white eggs to color.  Call me a mean mom, but I refuse to buy eggs when we have plenty of our own.  The solution they came up with for that problem; get some white chickens!  So I guess that is what we will have to do when we put in our order this year for baby chicks.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Deacon In The Family

Today was a very neat day for the family.  One of my cousins (Ryan) was ordained as a Deacon.  Our family rented a bus and ventured to the Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist (in Milwaukee) to witness the event.
Just arriving at the cathedral.
A family photo.

 These are the five to be ordained.  My cousin, Ryan, is second from right.

 Promise of Obedience
Each candidate kneels, placing his hands between those of the Archbishop, and promises obedience and respect.

 Litany of Supplication.
While the candidates lie prostrate, the assembly kneels and unites in prayer with the entire Communion of Saints.

 Laying on of Hands.
Central to the rights of all ordinations is the practice of the "laying on of hands."
In silence, the Archbishop places his hands on each of the candidates as they kneel before him.

There is also a prayer of Ordination, Investiture with Stole and Dalmatic, Presentation of the Book of the Gospels, and then the Fraternal Welcome.
The mass continues with the Liturgy of the Eucharist and the Concluding Rite.
A very big day for those ordained.
A very special day for Ryan.
Next May (2012) will be Ryan's ordination and we will be able to officially call him Father Ryan.

 Congratulations Ryan!
We're proud of you!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Spring Break Begins!

Today was the last day of school before spring break.  

The first graders had a little Easter egg hunt.  They each had to bring in a milk jug to make their own Easter baskets.  The idea is super cute!  Jack wanted everyone to see one of his good finds.  He got such a kick out of an Easter egg he found that was in the shape of a frog!

The fourth graders had their quarterly awards ceremony.  Cheyenne was so excited to show us the awards she won.  She got an "Outstanding Reader" award, an "Outstanding Social Studies Achievement Award", a "2nd Place Math Recognition Award", and a "Responsible Assignment and Behavior Award".  We are very proud of her!

As for the sixth grade, was just another boring school day which even included getting assigned homework over break.  Bummer!  But I guess that is what makes you look all the more forward to having some time off!

Now we get to enjoy one whole week plus one day of no school!!!  I am not sure who is more excited.  Wait, I guess I do know....WE ALL ARE!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Spring Cleanup Begins

The lawns have finally dried out enough to start raking, pick up branches, trim trees, cut down trees, and all that good stuff.  Tonight was the official beginning of spring clean up around our place.

 The little guy in the skidder. 

Funny how the girls are no where to be found when the words: "pick up" or "clean up" are said.

"Trimming" the trees.

Jack found many trees/bushes to trim.  He also found three trees and an overgrown lilac bush to cut completely down.  
The boy is making me nervous as he walks around the yard!
His next project are the apple trees.  All of them need a good trimming.  There are also a few dead ones to cut down.
Lets just say Jack loves using his chainsaw (that's the part that's making me nervous!).

Monday, April 11, 2011

Just A Night At Home

Other than a hair cut and a few other errands, tonight was a night we could hang out at home.

It's so nice to not have anywhere to go!

 Dad and his mini-me after haircuts.

 Having fun outside.

And this is what I get when I tell them to make a goofy face for the camera.

And then comes night time.  The monkeys (kids) get ready for bed and most of the animals settle into either the barn or their coop.  Of course not at the Krell's!  Instead, the goats find their "nest" under the pine tree (in their left over hay) and one chicken roosts on their back 'til morning.  I tried to sneak up and take a picture without startling them (kind of tricky to do, but I did get a picture so you can see).