Friday, April 15, 2011

Spring Break Begins!

Today was the last day of school before spring break.  

The first graders had a little Easter egg hunt.  They each had to bring in a milk jug to make their own Easter baskets.  The idea is super cute!  Jack wanted everyone to see one of his good finds.  He got such a kick out of an Easter egg he found that was in the shape of a frog!

The fourth graders had their quarterly awards ceremony.  Cheyenne was so excited to show us the awards she won.  She got an "Outstanding Reader" award, an "Outstanding Social Studies Achievement Award", a "2nd Place Math Recognition Award", and a "Responsible Assignment and Behavior Award".  We are very proud of her!

As for the sixth grade, was just another boring school day which even included getting assigned homework over break.  Bummer!  But I guess that is what makes you look all the more forward to having some time off!

Now we get to enjoy one whole week plus one day of no school!!!  I am not sure who is more excited.  Wait, I guess I do know....WE ALL ARE!


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