Saturday, April 23, 2011

Centerpiece Saturday

This year Easter is at my Mom and Dad's house.  I decided we would make the centerpieces.  The kids worked hard at decorating cookies.  We stuck them in a flower pot and made cookie bouquets.

I thought they turned out pretty darn cute.

Night time comes and it's officially Easter Eve.  Everybody excited to set their baskets out for the Easter Bunny to leave some goodies in.  Cheyenne makes sure to leave a few carrots for a snack.  Cheyenne and Jack-jack each wrote the Easter Bunny a note.  Jack-jack's note letting the bunny know he would like a little toy for in his basket. Cheyenne mentions (again) that, "a horse would be great" and that "the carrots are organic".  I don't know where these kids ever got the idea that the Easter Bunny is a second Santa Clause, but I never really heard of toys and horses in an Easter basket???  I mean chocolate was what we always looked for--after we found out baskets of course!  I don't know......we'll just have to wait and see.


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